The Right Way to Ask Clients for Testimonials  

February 13, 2024 | Platinum Consulting

Asking for testimonials from loyal customers seems like it should be simple – but it requires a careful approach. Using the wrong tone or making an ill-timed request can quickly decrease your chances of getting valuable feedback. 

At Platinum Consulting Services, we intimately understand the importance of requesting testimonials to build trust, establish credibility, and attract other customers. 

Positive client testimonials serve as powerful social proof, helping potential customers feel more confident in choosing your products or services. More testimonials = better SEO results and more organic traffic on your website. 

Still, asking for testimonials can be… pretty awkward. It doesn’t matter if you’re requesting a written or video testimonial – you need to play your cards right. 

That's why we've put together this guide on the right way to send testimonial requests. Take a look, then reach out to our team if you have any questions.

(1) Time Your Testimonial Request Emails 

Timing should be at the center of your plan to request customer testimonials. 

The best time for feedback gathering is when a positive experience with your business is fresh in your client's mind. For example, if you've just completed a successful project, you can say something like, "I'm thrilled we achieved fantastic results with your project. Would you mind sharing your thoughts in a text or video testimonial?" 

By striking while the iron is hot, you increase the likelihood of receiving a positive response. Happy customers can provide the best online reviews, but they need prompting – quickly. 

Another opportune moment to send a testimonial request is when your client achieves significant milestones or successes as a result of your product or service. For instance, if you provide marketing services and your client sees a substantial increase in their website traffic or leads generated, they’ll likely be eager to sing the praises of your company.

By tying your testimonial request to achievements, you demonstrate the tangible value your business has provided and make it easier for them to provide positive feedback.

(2) Make Testimonial Requests Personal 

You’re asking for your client’s valuable time and energy, which means they deserve a personal request – not a standardized “please and thank you!” message. 

A personal message when requesting customer testimonials shows your clients that you respect THEIR individual experiences and quality testimonials. This isn’t just a run-of-the-mill testimonial email template – it’s a genuine conversation between the two of you. 

One way to personalize your direct message is by referencing specific details about the project or interaction you had with the client. For example, you could mention a particular challenge you helped them overcome or a specific feature of your product that they found especially beneficial. 

Additionally, you’ll want to use a friendly, conversational tone can make your otherwise formal request feel more personal and genuine. Avoid using generic templates or language that sounds robotic. Instead, tailor your testimonial request to each client and use language that reflects your relationship with them. 

Ultimately, the goal should be to establish a friendly, intimate tone that establishes a personal connection before you send your testimonial request.

Bonus tip: consider the preferred communication style of your client when sending your customer review request. 

Some clients may prefer email communication, while others may prefer phone calls or text messages. By choosing a communication method that aligns with your client's preferences, you demonstrate that you respect their individual preferences and are willing to accommodate their needs. 

(3) Simplify the Process 

If you want happy customers to provide positive feedback, make the process more appealing. Provide clear testimonial instructions and tell your clients exactly what you’re looking for so there’s no grey area. 

For example, you could create a template or questionnaire that prompts clients to share specific details about their experience, such as the problem they were facing, the solution your product or service provided, and the results they achieved. By providing a structured testimonial request format, you make it easier for clients to organize their thoughts and provide at least a few words.

Another way to simplify how you collect testimonials is by offering multiple options for submitting client feedback, as we mentioned earlier. Some clients may prefer to respond in a testimonial form, while others may feel more comfortable recording a video testimonial or providing feedback via text messages. 

By offering flexibility in how loyal clients can submit their testimonials, you accommodate their preferences and make the process more convenient for them. Additionally, providing guidelines or tips on how to create an effective testimonial can help clients feel more confident in their ability to provide a written or video testimonial

(4) Express Sincere Gratitude

You appreciate this customer feedback, right? Then tell them!

Expressing sincere gratitude when requesting customer testimonials acknowledges the value of their input and the time they're taking to share their experiences. 

You could say something like, "I truly appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts with us. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve our services and better serve other clients." This sets a positive tone and shows your clients that you truly appreciate this favor.

Once you have the feedback in hand, don't forget to follow up your testimonial request with a sincere thank-you message. Let your clients know how much their feedback means to you and how it will be used to improve your products or services. 

(5) Offer a Worthwhile Incentive 

When requesting customer testimonials, offering an incentive can be a meaningful way to show appreciation for their effort and encourage their participation. We’re not saying to bribe your clients, per se, but a little incentivization always helps get things moving. 

One effective incentive is to offer a discount or bonus on future purchases or services. For instance, you could offer a discount on their next purchase as a thank-you for providing a testimonial. This not only demonstrates your gratitude but also provides tangible value to the client, making it more appealing for them to respond to your testimonial request.

Another incentive option is to offer exclusive access to a resource or feature that is valuable to your clients. 

For example, you could offer early access to a new product or service, a free consultation or training session, or access to premium content or resources. This creates a sense of exclusivity and adds extra value to the client's participation in providing a good testimonial. 

If you’re looking for a more unique customer testimonial strategy, consider offering a charitable donation or contribution on behalf of the client as an incentive. This not only incentivizes the client to participate but also aligns your business with a positive cause, showcasing your commitment to doing good outside of your company.

(6) Follow Up 

Following up respectfully after a testimonial request will help you a positive client relationship and encourage participation – but be careful about overdoing it. 

After sending the initial request, give your client some time to respond before following up. When you do reach out, be polite and respectful of their time. Just send a friendly reminder email or make a brief phone call to check in on their progress. 

For example, you could say, "Hi [Client's Name], I hope you're doing well! I wanted to follow up on my previous request for a testimonial. I understand you're busy, but I just wanted to gently remind you of the opportunity to share your experience with us. Your feedback is incredibly valuable, and we'd greatly appreciate it whenever you have a moment to provide a few words."

If you still haven't received a response after the initial follow-up, it's okay to send one more gentle reminder. However, be mindful not to come across as pushy or demanding when you request testimonials. Express your gratitude for their consideration and reiterate that their feedback is very important to you. 

Maintaining a respectful, courteous tone in your follow-up communications shows your most loyal customers that you respect them, even if they are unable or unwilling to provide a testimonial. 

(7) Respect Their Decision

Let’s say your client doesn’t respond to your testimonial request or downright refuses it. What then? Well, you’re pretty much out of luck – at least for now. 

Don’t try to change the client’s mind or pester them again. Respecting the client's decision not to respond to a testimonial request will help you maintain a positive relationship and demonstrate professionalism.

Not all clients will be comfortable or willing to provide testimonials for various reasons, but you need to respect each client’s personal preference regardless. Accept their decision and move forward gracefully. 

If a client openly declines to fill out a testimonial form, you can respond with a message along the lines of, "Thank you for letting us know your decision regarding the testimonial request. We understand and respect your choice, and we appreciate your honesty and consideration. Please know that we value our relationship with you, and we're here to support you in any way we can."

Additionally, we recommend reassuring the client that their decision to respond to testimonial requests will not affect your relationship or the quality of service they receive. This helps reinforce your professionalism and commitment to the client's satisfaction, regardless of their decision regarding the testimonial request.

Need Help Requesting Testimonials? Let’s Talk.

When it comes time to collect testimonials from old and new customers, take a long-haul approach. You need to prioritize the relationships with these customers first, rather than sacrificing your image or standing with loyal clients in the name of organic feedback. 

But we get it – requesting testimonials might sound easy but can feel complicated. 

At Platinum Consulting, we specialize in online reputation management. In other words, we’re pros at helping you share customer success stories through existing testimonials. We’re also adept at creating the right testimonial form for your needs and theme. 

In today’s competitive market, you need every possible edge to attract potential customers. If you’re trying to secure client testimonials but striking out more than not, we’re here to help. 

Reach Out to Platinum Consulting

Contact us today to set up your free consultation. We’ll help you gather written feedback, produce your next video testimonial, and generally improve your company’s online presence